Well April 11th and 12th marked the end of a successful race season for the KSR team. Racing the Dayco National Finals at Horseshoe Resort, warm temperatures and bright sunshine set a relaxed tone on the track for the girls. Point races went on the back-burner and the girls went out with the goal of having fun and enjoying the last weekend on their sleds. Having said that, the sun wasn’t the only thing hot. The girls stuck to their competitive natures and brought some heat of their own.
Zoe had great heats both days with top 2 finishes, but, unfortunately her sled just did not like the wet, loose snow conditions found in the afternoon finals. Much to her dismay, she found herself stuck on the hills relying on the flag men to help her conquer the slope. Never- the-less; she had a great time and is constantly telling her dad to make her sled faster. Perhaps she will be better suited for Stock 2 next year.
Dakota has consistently brought out her best the last half of the season and this weekend was no exception. She earned top 3 in all heats and was over the moon with her first ever 1st place finish in the Stock 2 final on Saturday. On Sunday she rode hard but unfortunately her sled just wouldn’t press above 16 mph on the loose track conditions. She ended up with a solid 5th place position in the final.
Brooklyn had her best weekend all season at Horseshoe. With nothing to lose, she went out with a clear mind and a smile on her face. Horseshoe is always her favorite track and this year was no exception. She pinned the throttle on both her Freestyle and her Phantom 250cc the entire time and caught some air. She rode smooth with no incidents. Frustratingly, her 250cc just didn’t want to push the course as hard as she wanted to, so Dad found himself spending a good portion of Saturday night in the trailer swapping parts between her two Phantoms. Well, thanks Dad. It paid off! Brooklyn achieved her first 1st overall Novice 250cc result this season with clean, fair races on Sunday. She was absolutely thrilled with the result and is ecstatic to pick up her 1st place plaque at the awards ceremony next month.
With Horseshoe being the final race, points were tallied and KSR has delivered. Brooklyn will bring home a 3rd overall in Novice 250, 2nd overall in Novice girls and lastly, a 6th in Novice A. The 120’s have also been a success. Dakota will acquire a 3rd place trophy in Stock 2 and Zoe will bring home a 4th overall in Stock 1 (pretty impressive having missed a race due to extreme cold in Quebec). Way to go girls!
So for the 2014/2015 season….that’s a wrap!
Thank you to our sponsors
Phantom Snowmobiles
Maximum Marine Service
Awesome job team KSR!!!